
Cilentan eggplant


Crunchy and tasty, our aubergines in extra virgin olive oil is a classic recipe of the Cilento tradition that helps to keep alive the consistency and unique flavor of aubergines.

SKU: E010 Category: Product ID: 2356


CILENTAN eggplant  – 300 g –
Crunchy and tasty, our aubergines in extra virgin olive oil is a classic recipe of the Cilento tradition that helps to keep alive the consistency and unique flavor of aubergines.
  • Much appreciated for various typical local recipes but especially for making quick appetizers and side dishes with a unique flavor.
  • Eggplants are a vegetable rich in minerals and vitamins: an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, they are perfect for facing the hot summer temperatures. Rich in vitamins A, C, K and J and in vitamins of group B.
  • Fresh and local ingredients: Eggplant, vinegar, garlic, EVO oil and passion for Cilento.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Conserve/Canned food

1 pezzi/pieces, 3 pezzi/pieces, 6 pezzi/pieces